THI 0511

Features: I/O-Isolation Test Voltage 6000VSupplementary Insulation to meet IEC/EN 60950 and IEC/EN 60601-1 Safety StandardsAgency Safety ApprovalsSMD-Technology with Ceramic CapacitorsRegulated Single and Dual Output ModelsLow Coupling Capacity24Pin DIP Plastic Package2 Year Product WarrantyDescri...

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THI 0511 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004518694 Detail

THI 0511: Features: I/O-Isolation Test Voltage 6000VSupplementary Insulation to meet IEC/EN 60950 and IEC/EN 60601-1 Safety StandardsAgency Safety ApprovalsSMD-Technology with Ceramic CapacitorsRegulated Sing...

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THI 0511
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Product Details



I/O-Isolation Test Voltage 6000V
Supplementary Insulation to meet IEC/EN 60950 and IEC/EN 60601-1 Safety Standards
Agency Safety Approvals
SMD-Technology with Ceramic Capacitors
Regulated Single and Dual Output Models
Low Coupling Capacity
24Pin DIP Plastic Package
2 Year Product Warranty


The THI series THI 0511 is a family of dc/dc-converter with very high I/OIsolation  specification. They are certified according to EN 60950 and IEC-60601-1 safety standards and offer a cost effective solution for all industrial, telecom and medical applications where a supplementary insulation is required. SMD-technology and a 100 % production test of the safety barrier ensure a very high reliability of this product.

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