Features: SpecificationsDescriptionTFH325A is a kind of 325 MHz SAW filter (2 MHz Bandwidth) for wireless local area network (WLAN) applications. What comes next is about the characteristics of TFH325A . The maximum insertion loss at fo is 13 dB. The maximum lower 3 dB bandedge is 324 MHz. The mi...

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TFH325A Picture
SeekIC No. : 004518046 Detail

TFH325A: Features: SpecificationsDescriptionTFH325A is a kind of 325 MHz SAW filter (2 MHz Bandwidth) for wireless local area network (WLAN) applications. What comes next is about the characteristics of TFH...

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Product Details





TFH325A is a kind of 325 MHz SAW filter (2 MHz Bandwidth) for wireless local area network (WLAN) applications.

What comes next is about the characteristics of TFH325A . The maximum insertion loss at fo is 13 dB. The maximum lower 3 dB bandedge is 324 MHz. The minimum upper 3 dB bandedge is 326 MHz. The minimum lower 15 dB bandedge is 322.7 MHz. The maximum upper 15 dB bandedge is 327.3 MHz. The minimum lower 45 dB bandedge is 320.5 MHz. The maximum upper 45 dB bandedge is 329.5 MHz. The maximum group delay variation is 100 nsec. The minimum ultimate rejection is 55 dB. The temperature range of operation is from -10 to 60.

There is not much information about the TFH325A . If you want to find more information about TFH325A, please pay attention to our website and we will update it in time.

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