
DescriptionThe TDA3048 is for infared reception with low power consumption. The feature of TDA3048 are as follows: (1)H.F. amplifier with a control range of 66dB; (2)synchoronous demodulator and reference amplifier; (3)A.G.C. detector; (4)pulse shaper; (5)Q-factor killing of the input selectivity,...

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TDA3048 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004516246 Detail

TDA3048: DescriptionThe TDA3048 is for infared reception with low power consumption. The feature of TDA3048 are as follows: (1)H.F. amplifier with a control range of 66dB; (2)synchoronous demodulator and ref...

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Product Details



The TDA3048 is for infared reception with low power consumption. The feature of TDA3048 are as follows: (1)H.F. amplifier with a control range of 66dB; (2)synchoronous demodulator and reference amplifier; (3)A.G.C. detector; (4)pulse shaper; (5)Q-factor killing of the input selectivity, which is controlled by the a.g.c. circuit; (6)input voltage limiter.

The absolute maximum ratings of the TDA3048 are: (1)supply voltage: 13.2V max; (2)output current pulse shaper: 10mA max; (3)voltages between pins*: 4.5V max; (4)storage temperature range: -55 to +150; (5)operating ambient temperature range: -25 to 125.

The following is about the electrical characteristics of TDA3048: (1)supply voltage: 4.65V min, 5.0V typical and 5.35V max; (2)supply current: 1.2mA min, 2.1mA typical and 3.0mA max; (3)minimum input signal: 15V typical and 25V max at f = 36kHz; (4)A.G.C. control range: 60dB min and 66dB typical; (5)input signal for correct operation: 0.03mV min and 200mV max; (6)Q-killing inactive: 140V max; (7)input voltage: 2.25V min, 2.45V typical and 2.65V max; (8)input resistance: 10k min, 15k typical and 20k max; (9)input capaciatance: 3pF typical; (10)input limiting: 0.8V typical and 0.9V max; (11)output voltage high: 0.1V typical and 0.5V max; (12)output voltage low: 0.1V typical and 0.5V max; (13)output resistance between pins 7and 10: 3.1k min, 4.7k typical and 6.2k max.

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