DescriptionThe TD141TGCD1 is designed as one kind of LTPS TFT LCD module which would has less contacts and components, high system integration, high brightness, high reliability and low power consumption. Its typical applications is notebook PC.TD141TGCD1 has six features. (1)Supports SPWG. (2)Sup...

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TD141TGCD1 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004515783 Detail

TD141TGCD1: DescriptionThe TD141TGCD1 is designed as one kind of LTPS TFT LCD module which would has less contacts and components, high system integration, high brightness, high reliability and low power consum...

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Product Details



The TD141TGCD1 is designed as one kind of LTPS TFT LCD module which would has less contacts and components, high system integration, high brightness, high reliability and low power consumption. Its typical applications is notebook PC.

TD141TGCD1 has six features. (1)Supports SPWG. (2)Super high resolution XGA (1024xRGBx768). (3)True 6-bit LTPS panel (262K). (4)1 channel LVDS. (5)Low EMI and low power consumption. (6)High system integration. Those are all the main features.

Some important specifications TD141TGCD1 have been concluded into several points as follow. (1)Its display mode would be transmissive. (2)Its display size (diagonal) would be 14.1 inch (35.8cm). (3)Its active area (HxV) would be 285.696x214.272mm. (4)Its number of dots would be 1024x768. (5)Its color arrangement would be RGB stripe. (6)Its number of colors would be 262,144 (6-bit). (7)Its system interface would be LVDS (1 channel). (8)Its contrast ratio would be 300:1.

Also some other important specifications TD141TGCD1 are concluded as follow. (1)Its uniformity would be 0.65 (13 points). (2)Its luminance would be 150 cd/m2. (3)Its surface treatment would be anti glare and hard-coating (3H). (4)Its viewing angle would be 40°/40° for L/R and would be 15°/35° for U/D. (5)Its light source type would be edge CCFL. (6)Its SPWG would be style B design. (7)Its operation temperature range would has the minimum value of 0°C and would have the maximum value of 50°C. (8)Its storage temperature range TD141TGCD1 would has the minimum value of -25°C and would have the maximum value of 60°C. (9)Its weight would be 435g. (10)Its samply would be ready. (11)Its production would be ready. And so on. At present we have not got so much information about this IC and we would try hard to get more information about it. If you have any question or suggestion or want to know more information please visit our website to contact us for details. Thank you!

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