
DescriptionThe TC9028F is CMOS LSI for infrared remote control transmitting suitable for remote controlling TV, VCR, video disk, CD-player etc.Using a Obit Microcontroller, various transmittings are structured by a programming. Features of the TC9028F are:(1)low voltage operation:2.0~4.0V; (2)low...

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SeekIC No. : 004515184 Detail

TC9028F: DescriptionThe TC9028F is CMOS LSI for infrared remote control transmitting suitable for remote controlling TV, VCR, video disk, CD-player etc.Using a Obit Microcontroller, various transmittings are...

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The TC9028F is CMOS LSI for infrared remote control transmitting suitable for remote controlling TV, VCR, video disk, CD-player etc.Using a Obit Microcontroller, various transmittings are structured by a programming.

Features of the TC9028F are:(1)low voltage operation:2.0~4.0V; (2)low power dissipation:1A (at hold function); (3)program memory (ROM) capacity:768 x 8bit;(4)data memory (RAM) capacity:16 x 4bit;(5)instruction:44kinds;(6)timer/counter:10~15bit;(7)subcarrier frequency:fosc/12, fosc/8,fosc/24, fosc/16 (option);(8)oscillating frequency:400~800kHz;(9)instruction execution time:11s (at 455kHz).The program counter is a 10bit binary counter which holds the program memory address of the next instruction to be executed.The program counter is normally incremented for each instruction fetch.When branch instructions and subroutine instructions are executed. the values specified in Table 2.1 are set. The program counter is initialized to 0 at reset.

The absolute maximum ratings of the TC9028F can be summarized as:(1)supply voltage:-0.3 to 5.0 V;(2)input voltage:Vss-0.3 to Vdd+0.3V;(3)storage temperature:-40 to 125;(4)operating temperature:-20 to 75;(5)power dissipation:300mW;(6)output current:-20mA.The stack is a 10bit register. When the [CALLS a] instruction is executed, the stack register saves the contents of the program counter (return address) before the program jumps to the processing routine.Only one level of subroutines can be used. When there are two calls, the first return address is overwritten when the second return address is saved to the stack register.When the program returns from the processing routine, execution of the [RET] instruction restores the contents of the stack register to the program counter.When fixed data stored in the data table in program memory (ROM) are read, the data counter (DC) are used to specify 4 bits of the address.In addition to transferring data to the accumulator, the data counter is also equipped with increment and decrement functions and can therefore be used as a general-purpose register.If the RST pin remains at low level for more than a minimum of 3 instruction cycles (15 fundamental clocks) when the power supply voltage is within the operating voltage range and oscillation is stable, the system is reset and the internal states are initialized.When the RST pin is set to high level, the reset operation is cancelled and execution of the program at address OOOH begins.

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