
DescriptionThe T9790U is a 1 chip microcomputer for 8 digits 1-memory electronic calculator. It can drive the liquid crystal display. Single power supply operation, low power consumption make it suitable for single battery operated pocketable calculator. The features of T9790U are: (1)pulse skipp...

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SeekIC No. : 004511635 Detail

T9790U: DescriptionThe T9790U is a 1 chip microcomputer for 8 digits 1-memory electronic calculator. It can drive the liquid crystal display. Single power supply operation, low power consumption make it sui...

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Product Details



The T9790U is a 1 chip microcomputer for 8 digits 1-memory electronic calculator. It can drive the liquid crystal display. Single power supply operation, low power consumption make it suitable for single battery operated pocketable calculator.

The features of T9790U are: (1)pulse skipping modulation; (2)precision ±2% reference; (3)operation from 3.0V to 30V input; (4)internal switch peak current to 1.5A; (5)design flexibility; (6)output voltage adjustable; (7)current limiting adjustable; (8)frequency adjustable up to 200KHz.

The following is about the maximum ratings of T9790U: (1)8 digitals of data and 1 symbol digit for calculator; (2)algebraic calculation mode; (3)punctuation; (4)standard 4 functions, mark up percent with automatic add-on/discount, automatic constant calculation, chain calculation, memory calculations with memory overflow protection; (5)internal keyboard decoding and denouncing; (6)complementary output buffer for direct driving of liquid crystal display; (7)single power supply; (8)quad in line flat package; (9)very low power consumption; (10)very wide range of operating voltage.



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