
Features: · Deflection current can be 3.0A peak value· Deflection voltage up to 70V (on Pin 5)· Flyback Generator· Thermal Protection Circuit· Supports DC CouplingPinoutSpecificationsSupply Voltage (Pin 2) (Note 1) VCC ...............................................40 VFlyback Peak Voltage (P...

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T8177 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004511530 Detail

T8177: Features: · Deflection current can be 3.0A peak value· Deflection voltage up to 70V (on Pin 5)· Flyback Generator· Thermal Protection Circuit· Supports DC CouplingPinoutSpecificationsSupply Vol...

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Product Details



· Deflection current can be 3.0A peak value
· Deflection voltage up to 70V (on Pin 5)
· Flyback Generator
· Thermal Protection Circuit
· Supports DC Coupling


  Connection Diagram


Supply Voltage (Pin 2) (Note 1) VCC ...............................................40 V
Flyback Peak Voltage (Pin 6) (Note 1) V6 .......................................75 V
Amplifier Input Voltage (Pin 1, Pin 7) (Note 1) V1, V7 ..........-0.3 ~ VS V
Electrostatic Handling for All Pins (Note 4) VESD .........................2000 V
Maximum Output Peak Current (Note 2, 3) IOUT ...........................2.5 A
Maximum Sink Current (First part of Flyback) (t < 1ms) I3 .............2.5 A
Maximum Source Current (t < 1ms) I3 ...........................................2.5 A
Junction Temperature TJ ............................................................+150
Operating Ambient Temperature TOPR ...............................-20 ~ +75
Storage Temperature TSTG .............................................-40 ~ + 150

Notes: 1. Reference to GND pin.
2. For t 10S, IO can be up to 4A peak to peak (up to 120Hz).
3. Provided output transistor SOA (see Figures 1 and 2).
4. Equivalent to discharging a 100pF capacitor through a 1.5kΩ series resistor.
5. Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied.


The UTC T8177 is a vertical deflection booster integrated circuit and designed for CRT monitors and high performance TVs. It is intended to delivers flyback voltages up to 70V.

The T8177 supplies with up to 35V and provides a maximum output current up to 3.0A peak to peak to drive the deflection yoke with a high efficiency.

The UTC T8177 is offered in HEPTAWATT package.

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