Features: High Peak pulse power: 200 W (10/1000 µs ) 1000 W ( 8/20 µs) Stand-off voltage range 5 to 24V Unidirectional types Low clamping factor VCL/VBR Fast response time 1.0mm overall component heightSpecifications Symbol Parameter Value Unit PPP Peak pulse power dissipat...

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SM2T Picture
SeekIC No. : 004493664 Detail

SM2T: Features: High Peak pulse power: 200 W (10/1000 µs ) 1000 W ( 8/20 µs) Stand-off voltage range 5 to 24V Unidirectional types Low clamping factor VCL/VBR Fast response time 1.0mm overall ...

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Product Details



 High Peak pulse power:
    200 W (10/1000 µs )
    1000 W ( 8/20 µs)
Stand-off voltage range 5 to 24V
Unidirectional types
Low clamping factor VCL/VBR
Fast response time
1.0mm overall component height


Symbol Parameter Value Unit
PPP Peak pulse power dissipation (see note 1) Tj initial = Tamb 200 W
P Power dissipation on infinitive heatsink Tamb = 100 2.5 W
IFSM Non repetitive surge peak forward current tp = 10 ms
Tj initial = Tamb
25 A
Storage temperature range
Maximum operating junction temperature
TL Lead solder temperature (10 seconds duration) 260

Note 1: 10/1000 µs pulse waveform.


The SM2T series are Transil diodes designed specifically for portable equipment and miniaturized electronics de-vices subject to ESD transient overvoltages.Fully compatible with pick and place equipment and inspectable soldering joints.

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