Description The SH15A10LG is designed for power amplifier applications where power efficiency linearity, broadband performance, and ruggedness are top priorities.The structure of the SST can be called a solid state triode since it has a non-saturating I-V curve. Features of the SH15A10LG are:(1)...

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SH15A10LG Picture
SeekIC No. : 004489597 Detail

SH15A10LG: Description The SH15A10LG is designed for power amplifier applications where power efficiency linearity, broadband performance, and ruggedness are top priorities.The structure of the SST can be cal...

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Product Details



The SH15A10LG is designed for power amplifier applications where power efficiency linearity, broadband performance, and ruggedness are top priorities.The structure of the SST can be called a solid state triode since it has a non-saturating I-V curve.

Features of the SH15A10LG are:(1)N-channel JFET, depletion mode; (2)application range 10 MHz to 1000 MHz; (3)power outputs from 10 to 120 watts cw; (4)class A,B,or C operation; (5)high power efficiency; (6)no thermal runaway; (7)broadband capability; (8)common gate configuration; (9)choice of packages.

The electrical ratings of the SH15A10LG can be summarized as:(1): output power is 15 W min; (2): D/S blocking voltage is 100 V min ; (3): power gain is 8 dB min; (4): power efficiency is 55% min.

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