
Features: ·New structure ensures lower noise.·Using a low power excitation light allows high-precision measurement not affected by strong excitation light. High gain and low noise improve the detection limit.·Flat response from visible to near IR minimize spectral sensitivity correction. The spe...

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R5509-43 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004469190 Detail

R5509-43: Features: ·New structure ensures lower noise.·Using a low power excitation light allows high-precision measurement not affected by strong excitation light. High gain and low noise improve the dete...

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Product Details



·New structure ensures lower noise.
·Using a "low power excitation light" allows high-precision measurement not affected by strong excitation light. High gain and low noise improve the detection limit.
·Flat response from visible to near IR minimize spectral sensitivity correction. The spectral response covers a wide range from 300 nm to 1.4 µm or 1.7 µm.
·Photoluminescence from a room temperature sample can be measured. High sensitivity enables weak light emission measurement.
·Time resolved measurement in near IR is realized. Fast time response (Rise time: 3 ns).


Parameter Value Unit
Supply Voltage
Between Anode and Cathode 1750
Average Anode Current 2 µA
Storage Ambient Temperature -90 to +50 °C
Operating Ambient Temperature -90 to -70 °C

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