PUMA 68FV64006X

Features: • Access times of 90, 120 and 150ns.• 3.3V + 10%.• Commercial and Industrial temperature grades• 68 'J' Leaded JEDEC surface mount package.• Industry standard pinout.• User configurable as 8/16/32 bits wide• 64K Byte sector size.• Completel...

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PUMA 68FV64006X Picture
SeekIC No. : 004467117 Detail

PUMA 68FV64006X: Features: • Access times of 90, 120 and 150ns.• 3.3V + 10%.• Commercial and Industrial temperature grades• 68 'J' Leaded JEDEC surface mount package.• Industry standard...

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PUMA 68FV64006X
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Product Details



• Access times of 90, 120 and 150ns.
• 3.3V + 10%.
• Commercial and Industrial temperature grades
• 68 'J' Leaded JEDEC surface mount package.
• Industry standard pinout.
• User configurable as 8/16/32 bits wide
• 64K Byte sector size.
• Completely Static Operation.
• 100,000 Write and Erase (W/E) Cycles.
• 10 Year Data Retention.


The PUMA 68FV64006X is a 2M x 32 Flash Module housed in a 68 'J' Leaded Surface mount package with access times of 90, 120 and 150ns. A 70ns variant is under development The Output width is user configurable as 8, 16 or 32 bits wide using 4 Chip Selects (/CS1~4) for optimum application flexibility.

The module PUMA 68FV64006X incorporates Embedded Algorithms for Program and Erase with sector architecture and supports full chip erase.

The 3.3V device PUMA 68FV64006X also features hardware sector protection, which disables both program and erase operations in any of the 32 sectors on the module.

The PUMA 68FV64006X is available to commercial and industrial temperature grades.

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