
Features: • An accelerated 80C51 CPU provides instruction cycle times of300600 ns for all instructions except multiply and divide whenexecuting at 20 MHz. Execution at up to 20 MHz whenVDD = 4.5 V to 6.0 V, 10 MHz when VDD = 2.7 V to 6.0 V• 2.7 V to 6.0 V operating range for digital fu...

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P87LPC759 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004453701 Detail

P87LPC759: Features: • An accelerated 80C51 CPU provides instruction cycle times of300600 ns for all instructions except multiply and divide whenexecuting at 20 MHz. Execution at up to 20 MHz whenVDD = 4...

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Product Details



• An accelerated 80C51 CPU provides instruction cycle times of300600 ns for all instructions except multiply and divide whenexecuting at 20 MHz. Execution at up to 20 MHz whenVDD = 4.5 V to 6.0 V, 10 MHz when VDD = 2.7 V to 6.0 V
• 2.7 V to 6.0 V operating range for digital functions
• 1 kbyte EPROM code memory
• 64 byte RAM data memory
• Two 16-bit counter/timers. One timer may be configured to togglea port output upon timer overflow
• Four keypad interrupt inputs, plus one additional external interruptinput
• Four interrupt priority levels
•Watchdog timer with separate on-chip oscillator, requiring noexternal components. The watchdog timeout time is selectablefrom 8 values
• Active low reset. On-chip power-on reset allows operation with noexternal reset components
• Low voltage reset. One of two preset low voltage levels may beselected to allow a graceful system shutdown when power fails.May optionally be configured as an interrupt
• Oscillator Fail Detect. The watchdog timer has a separate fullyon-chip oscillator, allowing it to perform an oscillator fail detectfunction
• Configurable on-chip oscillator with frequency range and RCoscillator options (selected by user programmed EPROM bits).The RC oscillator option allows operation with no externaloscillator components
• Programmable port output configuration options:quasi-bidirectional, open drain, push-pull, input-only
• Selectable Schmitt trigger port inputs
• LED drive capability (20 mA) on all port pins
• Controlled slew rate port outputs to reduce EMI. Outputs haveapproximately 10 ns minimum ramp times
• Nine I/O pins minimum. Up to 12 I/O pins using on-chip oscillatorand reset options
• Only power and ground connections are required to operate theP87LPC759 when fully on-chip oscillator and reset options areselected
• Serial EPROM programming allows simple in-circuit productioncoding. Two EPROM security bits prevent reading of sensitiveapplication programs
• Idle and Power Down reduced power modes. Improved wakeupfrom Power Down mode (a low interrupt input starts execution).Typical Power Downcurrent is 1


  Connection Diagram





Operating temperature under bias

55 to +125


Storage temperature range

65 to +150


Voltage on RST/VPP pin to VSS

0 to +11.0


Voltage on any other pin to VSS

0.5 to VDD+0.5V


Maximum IOL per I/O pin



Power dissipation (based on package heat transfer, not device power consumption)




The P87LPC759 is a 14-pin single-chip microcontroller designed forlow pin count applications demanding high-integration, low costsolutions over a wide range of performance requirements. Amember of the Philips low pin count family, the P87LPC759 offersprogrammable oscillator configurations for high and low speedcrystals or RC operation, wide operating voltage range,programmable port output configurations, selectable Schmitt triggerinputs, LED drive outputs, and a built-in watchdog timer. TheP87LPC759 is based on an accelerated 80C51 processorarchitecture that executes instructions at twice the rate of standard80C51 devices.

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