
Features: ` Typical operating frequency: 50 MHz` Typical propagation delay: 13 ns (Ck to QA)` Wide operating supply voltage range: 26V`Low input current: <1 A`Low quiescent supply current: 80 A maximum (74HC Series)` Fanout of 10 LS-TTL loadsSpecificationsSupply Voltage (VCC) -0.5 to +7.0VDC In...

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MM74HC393 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004423092 Detail

MM74HC393: Features: ` Typical operating frequency: 50 MHz` Typical propagation delay: 13 ns (Ck to QA)` Wide operating supply voltage range: 26V`Low input current: <1 A`Low quiescent supply current: 80 A m...

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Product Details



` Typical operating frequency: 50 MHz
` Typical propagation delay: 13 ns (Ck to QA)
` Wide operating supply voltage range: 26V
`Low input current: <1 A
`Low quiescent supply current: 80 A maximum (74HC Series)
` Fanout of 10 LS-TTL loads


Supply Voltage (VCC) -0.5 to +7.0V
DC Input Voltage (VIN) -1.5 to VCC +1.5V
DC Output Voltage (VOUT) -0.5 to VCC +0.5V
Clamp Diode Current (IIK, IOK) ±20 mA
DC Output Current, per pin (IOUT) ±25 mA
DC VCC or GND Current, per pin (ICC) ±50 mA
Storage Temperature Range (TSTG) -65 to +150
Power Dissipation (PD)
(Note 3) 600 mW
S.O. Package only 500 mW
Lead Temperature (TL)
(Soldering 10 seconds) 260

Product Product status Eco Status Pricing* Package type Leads Packing method Package Drawing Package Marking Convention**
MM74HC393M Full Production RoHS Compliant $0.257 SOIC 14 RAIL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo)
&Z (Asm. Plant Code)
&2 (2-Digit Date Code)
&K Line 2: MM74HC Line 3: 393M
MM74HC393MTC Full Production RoHS Compliant $0.257 TSSOP 14 RAIL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo)
&Z (Asm. Plant Code)
&2 (2-Digit Date Code)
&K Line 2: HC393
MM74HC393MTCX Full Production RoHS Compliant $0.257 TSSOP 14 TAPE REEL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo)
&Z (Asm. Plant Code)
&2 (2-Digit Date Code)
&K Line 2: HC393
MM74HC393MX Full Production RoHS Compliant $0.257 SOIC 14 TAPE REEL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo)
&Z (Asm. Plant Code)
&2 (2-Digit Date Code)
&K Line 2: MM74HC Line 3: 393M
MM74HC393N Full Production RoHS Compliant $0.466 DIP 14 RAIL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo)
&Z (Asm. Plant Code)
&4 (4-Digit Date Code)
&K&P (Marketing Status Code)
Line 2: MM74HC393N Line 3: MC74HC393N
MM74HC393SJX Full Production RoHS Compliant $0.398 SOP 14 TAPE REEL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo)
&Z (Asm. Plant Code)
&2 (2-Digit Date Code)
&K Line 2: HC393SJ
* Fairchild 1,000 piece Budgetary Pricing
** A sample button will appear if the part is available through Fairchild's on-line samples program. If there is no sample button, please contact a Fairchild distributor to obtain samples

Package marking information for product MM74HC393 is available. Click here for more information .


The MM74HC393 counter circuits contain independent ripple carry counters and utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology. The MM74HC393 contains two 4-bit ripple carry binary counters, which can be cascaded to create a single divide-by-256 counter.

Each of the two 4-bit counters MM74HC393 is incremented on the HIGHto- LOW transition (negative edge) of the clock input, and each has an independent clear input. When clear is set HIGH all four bits of each counter are set to a low level.

This enables count truncation and allows the implementation of divide-by-N counter configurations.

Each of the counters outputs of MM74HC393 can drive 10 low power Schottky TTL equivalent loads. This counter MM74HC393 is functionally as well as pin equivalent to the 74LS393. All inputs are protected from damage due to static discharge by diodes to VCC and ground.

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