
Features: SpecificationsDescriptionThe M2100 has the following features including Frequency is programmed with processorusing only threeinputs;New frequency output i n less than Sms after data input;Start frequency at power-up is free running from 80 to 120MfHz;Operating temperature to 85 deg. C, ...

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M2100 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004404106 Detail

M2100: Features: SpecificationsDescriptionThe M2100 has the following features including Frequency is programmed with processorusing only threeinputs;New frequency output i n less than Sms after data input...

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Product Details





The M2100 has the following features including Frequency is programmed with processorusing only threeinputs;New frequency output i n less than Sms after data input;Start frequency at power-up is free running from 80 to 120MfHz;Operating temperature to 85 deg. C, to allow for additional heat rise in confined space;Exceptionally low fitter;1000 ohm internal terminating resistor;Data Output for Data Input verification.

MF Model 2100 Crystal Controlled Programable Oscillators is an oscillator with crystal-stability programmed by user-software to generate any frequency from 100 MHz to 160 MHz in steps as small as 4 KHz ( I6 bits). This effectively provides any frequency from 100 MHz to I60 MHz at tolerance of typically 160 ppm over 0 to 85 deg. C. In addition; the frequency may be changed at any time during power-on by the user.The frequency is selected by once inputing vectors to three registers in the M2100, and is unchanged as long as power is on.The frequency may be changed at any time during power-on, by inputting new vectors and the transition is smooth with minimal overshoot.The M2100 contains an internal 10MHzcrystal used as reference frequency in a synthesizer configuration.The 10 MHz reference is divided by R with a resolution of 15 bits, to a comparison frequency, fc. It is compared to a frequency which is the OutputFrequency, fo, divided by N. The OutputFrequency is obtained from a VCO. The Frequency Detector,which compares the frequencies,and the filter,produce a DC voltage used to correct the VCO output frequency,untilit matches N-times the comparison frequency. A lock is then produced so that the Output Frequency equals the Reference Frequency times N/R.

The Data M2100 In is serial beginning with the MSB and is shifted in on the low-to-high transitiop of the Clock.The bit pattern is 1 byte (8 bits) long to access the C register, 2 bytes (16 bits) to access the N register, or 3 bytyes(24 bits) to access the R or reference register. Optionally, the R register can be accessed with a 1 S-bittransfer. The values of C, N and R registers do not change during shifting because the transfer of datato the registers is controlled by Enable.

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