
Features: Low Current Consumption 2.25V to 2.75V Operation Selectable Synchronous or Asynchronous PowerdownMode Selectable Dual Modulus Prescaler:LMX2430 RF: 8/9 or 16/17LMX2433 RF: 8/9 or 16/17LMX2434 RF: 16/17 or 32/33LMX243x IF: 8/9 or 16/17 Programmable Charge Pump Current LevelsRF and IF: 1 ...

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LMX2434 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004397375 Detail

LMX2434: Features: Low Current Consumption 2.25V to 2.75V Operation Selectable Synchronous or Asynchronous PowerdownMode Selectable Dual Modulus Prescaler:LMX2430 RF: 8/9 or 16/17LMX2433 RF: 8/9 or 16/17LMX...

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Product Details



Low Current Consumption
2.25V to 2.75V Operation
Selectable Synchronous or Asynchronous PowerdownMode
Selectable Dual Modulus Prescaler:LMX2430 RF: 8/9 or 16/17LMX2433 RF: 8/9 or 16/17LMX2434 RF: 16/17 or 32/33LMX243x IF: 8/9 or 16/17
Programmable Charge Pump Current LevelsRF and IF: 1 or 4 mA
Fastlock™ Technology with Integrated Timeout Counters
Digital Filtered Lock Detect Output
Analog Lock Detect Output (supports both Push-Pulland Open Drain configurations)
1.8V MICROWIRE Logic Interface
Available in 20-Pin TSSOP and 20-Pin UTCSP


Cordless Handsets(DECT, DCT)
Wireless Data
Cable TV Tuners


  Connection Diagram


Power Supply Voltage
Vcc to GND −0.3V to +3.25V
Voltage on any pin to GND (VI)
VImust be < +3.25V −0.3V to Vcc+0.3V
Storage Temperature Range (TS) −65˚C to +150˚C
Lead Temperature (solder 4 s) (TL) +260˚C

Max PLL Freq 5000 MHz
Max Aux PLL Freq 2500 MHz
Normalized PLL Phase Noise -219 dBc/Hz
Supply Min 2.35 Volt
Supply Current 7 mA
PLL Type Integer-N
Fastlock Yes
Temperature Min -40 deg C
Temperature Max 85 deg C
PowerWise Undefined
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The LMX2434 devices are high performance frequency syn-thesizers with integrated dual modulus prescalers. TheLMX243x devices are designed for use as RF and IF localoscillators for dual conversion radio transceivers.

A 32/33 or a 16/17 prescale ratio can be selected for the 5.0GHz LMX2434 RF synthesizer. An 8/9 or a 16/17 prescaleratio can be selected for both the LMX2430 and LMX2433RF synthesizers. The IF circuitry contains an 8/9 or a 16/17prescaler. Using a proprietary digital phase locked loop tech-nique, the LMX243x devices generate very stable, low noisecontrol signals for RF and IF voltage controlled oscillators.Both the RF and IF synthesizers include a two-level pro-grammable charge pump. Both the RF and IF synthesizershave dedicated Fastlock circuitry with integrated timeoutcounters. Furthermore, only a single word write is required topower up and tune the synthesizers to a new frequency.

Serial data is transferred to the devices via a three-wireinterface (DATA, LE, CLK). A low voltage logic interfaceallows direct connection to 1.8V devices. Supply voltagesfrom 2.25V to 2.75V are supported . The LMX243x familyfeatures low current consumption:LMX2430 (3.0 GHz/ 0.8 GHz)-2.8 mA/ 1.4 mA, LMX2433(3.6 GHz/ 1.7 GHz) -3.2 mA/ 2.0 mA, LMX2434 (5.0 GHz/2.5 GHz)-4.6 mA/ 2.4 mA at 2.50V.

The LMX2434 devices are available in 20-Pin TSSOP and20-Pin UTCSP surface mount plastic packages.

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