Features: Wide supply - Voltage range: 2.0V to 36V - Single or dual supplies: ±1.0V to ±18VVery low supply current drain (0.4 mA)- independent of supply voltageLow input biasing current: 25 nALow input offset current: ±5 nAMaximum offset voltage: ±3 mVInput common-mode voltage range includes groun...
LM2903EP: Features: Wide supply - Voltage range: 2.0V to 36V - Single or dual supplies: ±1.0V to ±18VVery low supply current drain (0.4 mA)- independent of supply voltageLow input biasing current: 25 nALow in...
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The LM2903EP consists of two independent precision voltage omparators with an offset voltage specification as low s 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed pecifically to operate from a single power supply over a ide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies s also possible and the low power supply current drain is ndependent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. his comparator also has a unique characteristic in that the nput common-mode voltage range includes ground, even ough operated from a single power supply voltage.
Application areas include limit comparators, simple analog to igital converters; pulse, squarewave and time delay generators; ide range VCO; MOS clock timers; multivibrators nd high voltage digital logic gates. The LM2903EP was esigned to directly interface with TTL and CMOS. When perated from both plus and minus power supplies, the M2903EP will directly interface with MOS logic where their ow power drain is a distinct advantage over standard comparators.