
Features: ·Marked as FPH1.·Current Transfer Ratio MIN. 1000%·High collector-emitter voltage, Vceo=300V·Isolation Voltage (3.75kVRMS ,5.3kVPK ) ·All electrical parameters 100% tested·Drop in replacement for Sharp PC452Application·Computer terminals·Industrial systems controllers·Measuring instrumen...

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IS452 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004379069 Detail

IS452: Features: ·Marked as FPH1.·Current Transfer Ratio MIN. 1000%·High collector-emitter voltage, Vceo=300V·Isolation Voltage (3.75kVRMS ,5.3kVPK ) ·All electrical parameters 100% tested·Drop in replacem...

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Upload time: 2024/12/26

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Product Details



·Marked as FPH1.
·Current Transfer Ratio MIN. 1000%
·High collector-emitter voltage, Vceo=300V
·Isolation Voltage (3.75kVRMS ,5.3kVPK )  
·All electrical parameters 100% tested
·Drop in replacement for Sharp PC452


·Computer terminals
·Industrial systems controllers
·Measuring instruments
·Signal transmission between systems of different potentials and impedances


Storage Temperature  ........-55 to + 150
Operating Temperature  .......-55 to + 100
Lead Soldering Temperature
(1/16 inch (1.6mm) from case for 10 secs)  ...260


The IS452 is an optically coupled isolator consisting of an infrared light emitting diode and a high voltage NPN silicon photo darlington which has an integral base-emitter resistor to optimise switching speed and elevated temperature characteristics in a space efficient dual in line plastic package.

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