Features: SpecificationsDescriptionThe IR280DG12HCB has some major ratings and characteristics.When parameier is VRM maximum forward voltage,the rating is 990,the units is mV,the test conditions is TJ=Amb.,IF=25A.When parameier is VRRM reverse breakdown voltage range,the rating is 600 and 1200,the...

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SeekIC No. : 004376169 Detail

IR280DG12HCB: Features: SpecificationsDescriptionThe IR280DG12HCB has some major ratings and characteristics.When parameier is VRM maximum forward voltage,the rating is 990,the units is mV,the test conditions is ...

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Product Details





The IR280DG12HCB has some major ratings and characteristics.When parameier is VRM maximum forward voltage,the rating is 990,the units is mV,the test conditions is TJ=Amb.,IF=25A.When parameier is VRRM reverse breakdown voltage range,the rating is 600 and 1200,the units is V,the test conditions is TJ=Amb.,IRRM=100A.

The IR280DG12HCB has some mechanical data.The nominal back metal composition,thickness is Cr-Ni-Ag(1 KA - 4 KA - 6 KA).The nominal front metal composition,thickness is 100% Al,(20 m).The chip dimensions is 280 x 280 mils .The wafer diameter is 100mm,with std.< 110 > flat.The wafer thickness is 300m.The maximum width of sawing line is 130m.The reject ink dot size is 0.25mm diameter minimum.The ink dot location is see drawing.The recommended storage environment is storage in original container, in dessicated nitrogen, with no contamination.The IR280DG12HCB has some standard recovery diodes.The junction size is rectangular square 280 mils.The wafer size is 4".The VRR class is 600 and 1200V.The passivation process is glassivated MESA.The reference IR packaged part is 70HF series.

At present there is not too much information about this model.If you are willing to find more  about IR280DG12HCB, please pay attention to our web! We will promptly update the relevant  information.


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