Features: ·Full static 80C51 CPU·4k x 8 ROM (80CL51)·ROMless (80CL31)·128 x 8 RAM·Two 16-bit counter/timers·Full duplex serial channel·Boolean processor ·Memory addressing capability ·64k ROM and 64k RAM ·Power control modes:·Idle mode ·Power-down mode·CMOS and TTL compatible·Thirteen source, thir...
IN80CL31N: Features: ·Full static 80C51 CPU·4k x 8 ROM (80CL51)·ROMless (80CL31)·128 x 8 RAM·Two 16-bit counter/timers·Full duplex serial channel·Boolean processor ·Memory addressing capability ·64k ROM and 64...
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The IN80CL31N is a high-performance microcontroller fabricated with high-density CMOS technology. The instruction set is based on that the 80C51.The 80CL51 is general purpose microcontroller especially suited for battery powered applications. The device has low power consumption and a wide range of supply voltage.
The IN80CL31N contains a 4k×8 ROM , a 128×8 RAM , 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit counter/timers, a five-source, two-priority level nested interrupt structure, a serial I/O port for either multi-processor communications, I/O expansion or full duplex UART, and on-chip oscillator and clock circuits.
The IN80CL31N has two software selectable modes of power reduction - idle mode and power-down mode. The idle mode freezes the CPU while allowing the RAM, timers, serial port, and interrupt system to continue functioning. The power-down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator, causing all other chip functions to be inoperative.