
Features: * Packaged in 16 pin narrow (150 mil) SOIC* No short pulses or glitches on output* Operates to 200 MHz* Does not add jitter or phase noise to the clock* User controlled or automatic switching* Low skew outputs* Clock detect feature* Ideal for systems with backup or redundant clocks* Sele...

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ICS580-01 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004370832 Detail

ICS580-01: Features: * Packaged in 16 pin narrow (150 mil) SOIC* No short pulses or glitches on output* Operates to 200 MHz* Does not add jitter or phase noise to the clock* User controlled or automatic switch...

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Product Details



* Packaged in 16 pin narrow (150 mil) SOIC
* No short pulses or glitches on output
* Operates to 200 MHz
* Does not add jitter or phase noise to the clock
* User controlled or automatic switching
* Low skew outputs
* Clock detect feature
* Ideal for systems with backup or redundant clocks
* Selectable timeouts for clock detection
* Separate supply voltages allow power supply voltage  translation
* Operates to 2.5 V


  Connection Diagram  Connection Diagram


  Connection Diagram


The ICS580-01 is a clock multiplexer (mux)  designed to switch between 2 clock sources with no glitches or short pulses.  The operation of the mux  controlled by an input pin but the part can also be  configured to switch automatically if one of the  input clocks stops.  The part also provides clock  detection by reporting when an input clock has  stopped.

For a clock mux with zero delay and smooth  switching, see either the ICS580-01.

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