PinoutDescriptionThe HMC866LC3C is a Limiting Amplifi er packaged in a leadless 3x3 mm ceramic surface mount package. The HMC866LC3C amplifi er supports up to 43 Gbps operation and provides 29 dB of differential gain. The features of HMC866LC3C are as follows: (1)Supports Data Rates up to 43 Gbp...

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SeekIC No. : 004364472 Detail

HMC866LC3C: PinoutDescriptionThe HMC866LC3C is a Limiting Amplifi er packaged in a leadless 3x3 mm ceramic surface mount package. The HMC866LC3C amplifi er supports up to 43 Gbps operation and provides 29 dB of...

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The HMC866LC3C is a Limiting Amplifi er packaged in a leadless 3x3 mm ceramic surface mount package. The HMC866LC3C amplifi er supports up to 43 Gbps operation and provides 29 dB of differential gain.

The features of HMC866LC3C are as follows: (1)Supports Data Rates up to 43 Gbps.; (2)Low Power Dissipation: 280 mW @ Vcc = +3.3V; (3)Differential Small Signal Gain: 29 dB; (4)Input Sensitivity: 20 mVp-p Differential; (5)3-dB Bandwidth: 26.5 GHz; (6)Adjustable Output Voltage Swing up to 800 mVp-p Differential; (7)16 Lead 3x3mm SMT package: 9mm2.

The electrical characteristics of the HMC866LC3C are: (1)Differential Small Signal Gain: 29 dB at VAC = 1.6V; (2)Data Rate: 32 Gbps; (3)Small Signal Bandwidth: 26.5 GHz at 3-dB cutoff; (4)Input Return Loss: 10 dB Up to 26.5 GHz; (5)Output Return Loss: 10 dB Up to 26.5 GHz; (6)Input Sensitivity: 20 mVp-p differential; (7)Maximum Input Swing: 1,000 mVp-p differential; (8)Differential Output Swing: 250 to 800 mVpp at adjustable by using VAC; (9)Rise Time: 13 p at 20% - 80% @ 32 Gbpss.

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