
Features: • Rectangular Light Emitting Surface• Flat High Sterance Emitting Surface• Stackable on 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) Centers• Ideal as Flush Mounted Panel Indicators• Ideal for Backlighting Legends• Long Life: Solid State Reliability• Choice of 4 Bright ...

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HLMP-0300 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004363012 Detail

HLMP-0300: Features: • Rectangular Light Emitting Surface• Flat High Sterance Emitting Surface• Stackable on 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) Centers• Ideal as Flush Mounted Panel Indicators•...

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Product Details



• Rectangular Light Emitting Surface
• Flat High Sterance Emitting Surface
• Stackable on 2.54 mm (0.100 inch) Centers
• Ideal as Flush Mounted Panel Indicators
• Ideal for Backlighting Legends
• Long Life: Solid State Reliability
• Choice of 4 Bright Colors DH AS AlGaAs Red High Efficiency Red Yellow High Performance Green
• IC Compatible/Low Current Requirements


Parameter HLMP-
Peak Forward Current 300 90 60 90 mA
Average Forward Current[1] 20 25 20 25 mA
DC Current[2] 30 30 20 30 mA
Power Dissipation 87 135 85 135 mW
Reverse Voltage (IR = 100 mA) 5 5 5 5 V
Transient Forward Current[3] (10 ms Pulse) 500 500 500 500 mA
Operating Temperature Range -20 to
-55 to
-55 to
-20 to
Storage Temperature Range -55 to
-55 to
Lead Soldering Temperature
1.6 mm [0.063 in.] from body)
260°C for 5 seconds


The HLMPR100, -030X, -040X, -050X are solid state lamps encapsulated in a radial lead rectangular epoxy package. They utilize a tinted, diffused epoxy to provide high on-off contrast and a flat high intensity emitting surface. Borderless package design allows creation of uninterrupted light emitting areas.

The  HLMPR100, -030X, -040X, -050X uses a double heterojunction (DH) absorbing substrate (AS) aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) red LED chip in a light red epoxy package. This combination produces outstanding light output over a wide range of drive currents.

The  HLMPR100, -030X, -040X, -050X  have a high efficiency red GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a light red epoxy package.

The  HLMPR100, -030X, -040X, -050X provide a yellow GaAsP on GaP LED chip in a yellow epoxy package.

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