
DescriptionThe HI-8588-10 ARINC 429 bus interface receiver is similar to the HI-8588 with the exception that it allows an external 10 Kohm resistor in series with each ARINC input without affecting the ARINC input thresholds. The product is especially useful in applications where lightning protect...

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HI-8588-10 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004362550 Detail

HI-8588-10: DescriptionThe HI-8588-10 ARINC 429 bus interface receiver is similar to the HI-8588 with the exception that it allows an external 10 Kohm resistor in series with each ARINC input without affecting ...

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Product Details



The HI-8588-10 ARINC 429 bus interface receiver is similar to the HI-8588 with the exception that it allows an external 10 Kohm resistor in series with each ARINC input without affecting the ARINC input thresholds. The product is especially useful in applications where lightning protection circuitry is also required. In addition, the test inputs force both of the outputs to zero instead open circuit. This HI-8588-10 analog/digital CMOS product requires only a 5 volt supply and is available in a SO 8 pin package.

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