
Features: ·Wide Supply Range: 2.4V to 5.5V· 4-Wire Touch Screen Interface ·125 kSPS Sampling Rate ·8/12Bit Resolution Selection ·Serial Input Control ·Serial Data Output ·Single Ended/Differential Reference ·Fully Power Down Control ·Position Measurement for X/Y ·X-Plate Sheet Resistance Measureme...

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HFT012 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004362032 Detail

HFT012: Features: ·Wide Supply Range: 2.4V to 5.5V· 4-Wire Touch Screen Interface ·125 kSPS Sampling Rate ·8/12Bit Resolution Selection ·Serial Input Control ·Serial Data Output ·Single Ended/Differential R...

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Product Details



·Wide Supply Range: 2.4V to 5.5V  
· 4-Wire Touch Screen Interface  
·125 kSPS Sampling Rate  
·8/12Bit Resolution Selection  
·Serial Input Control  
·Serial Data Output  
·Single Ended/Differential Reference  
·Fully Power Down Control  
·Position Measurement for X/Y  
·X-Plate Sheet Resistance Measurement  
·Touch Pressure Measurement


  Connection Diagram


The HFT012 integrates a 12-bit SAR type Analog-to-Digital converter, a synchronous serial interface and low on-resistance switches on a chip. The X/Y driver is automatically configured for X/Y position, X-plate resistance and touch pressure measurements for a 4-wire resistive type touch screen. With the built-in X/Y drivers and the low power design techniques the chip is suitable for battery-operated system and other portable equipment application. The HFT012 features direct battery measurement, temperature measurement and touch-pressure measurement. When not in use, the internal reference can be shut down to conserve power. An external reference can also be applied and can be varied from 1 V to VDD, while the analog input range is from 0 V to VREF. The HFT012 includes a shutdown mode that reduces the current consumption to less than 1A.

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