
Features: • Two Channel Quadrature Output with Optional Index Pulse• TTL Compatible Single Ended Outputs on HEDS Series• 100°C Operating Temperature• Industry Standard 26C31 CMOS Line Driver IC on HEDL Series• Easy Assembly, No Signal Adjustment Necessary• Resol...

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SeekIC No. : 004361277 Detail

HEDM-65xx: Features: • Two Channel Quadrature Output with Optional Index Pulse• TTL Compatible Single Ended Outputs on HEDS Series• 100°C Operating Temperature• Industry Standard 26C31 ...

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Product Details



• Two Channel Quadrature Output with Optional Index Pulse
• TTL Compatible Single Ended Outputs on HEDS Series
• 100°C Operating Temperature
• Industry Standard 26C31 CMOS Line Driver IC on HEDL Series
• Easy Assembly, No Signal Adjustment Necessary
• Resolutions up to 2048 Counts Per Revolution
• Maximum Shaft Diameter of 5/8 Inches
• Single +5 V Supply


The HEDS-65xx / HEDL-65xx provide motion detection to a very high resolution and accept a variety of shaft sizes up to a maximum of 5/8 inches.


Parameter                          HEDS-6500             HEDS-6540                     HEDL-6540                 HEDL-6545
Storage Temperature        -40 to +100            -40 to +100                    -40 to +100                 -40 to +100       Celsius
Operating Temperature     -40 to +100            -40 to +100                    -40 to +100                 -40 to +100       Celsius
Supply Voltage                   -.5 to +7                  -.5 to +7                        -.5 to +7                      -.5 to +7            Volts
Output Voltage                  -.6 to Vcc                -.6 to Vcc                         -.6 to Vcc                     -.6 to Vcc            Volts
Output Current Per Channel -1 to 5                  -1 to 5                                                                                           mA
Velocity                                30,000                    30,000                            30,000                        30,000              RPM
Vibration                                 20                           20                                   20                                20                   Gs
Shaft Axial Play                        5                             5                                      5                                  5           Inch/1000
Radial Play & Eccentricity          2                            2                                       2                                 2           Inch/1000


The HEDS-65xx/HEDL-65xx are high performance two and three channel optical incremental encoders. These HEDS-65xx/HEDL-65xx  encoders empha- size high reliability, high resolution,and easy assembly. Each encoder contains a lensed LED source (emitter), an integrated circuit with detectors and output circuitry, and a codewheel which rotates between the emitter and detector integrated circuit. The outputs of the HEDS- 6500 are  two single ended square waves in quadrature. The HEDL- 65xx outputs are differential.

The HEDS-65xx/HEDL-65xx also have a third channel index output in addition to the two quadrature outputs. This index is an active high pulse that occurs once every full rotation of the codewheel. Resolutions up to 1024 Counts Per Revolution are available in the two and three channel versions.

The HEDS-65xx/HEDL-65xx  line driver option offers enhanced performance when the encoder is used in noisy environ- ments, or when it is required to drive long distances.

The HEDS-65xx/HEDL-65xx  line driver option utilizes an industry standard line driver IC (26C31) which provides comple- mentary outputs for each encoder channel. Thus the outputs of the line driver encoder are A and A</a>, B and B</a>, and I and  I</a>  for three channel versions. Suggested line receivers are 26C32 and 26C33.The quadrature signals are ac-cessed through a cable and  10-pin female connector. Please refer to the ordering information at the end of this data sheet for a selection matrix.

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