Features: Superior high-frequency characteristics, such as an isolation of 60 dB min., insertion loss of 0.2 dB max., and V.S.W.R. of 1.2 max. at 2.5 GHz (50 ). Surface-mounting terminals and superior highfrequency characteristics combined through adoption of tri-plate micro strip type transmissi...

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G6WU-1F Picture
SeekIC No. : 004346690 Detail

G6WU-1F: Features: Superior high-frequency characteristics, such as an isolation of 60 dB min., insertion loss of 0.2 dB max., and V.S.W.R. of 1.2 max. at 2.5 GHz (50 ). Surface-mounting terminals and super...

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Product Details



Superior high-frequency characteristics, such as an isolation of 60 dB min., insertion loss of 0.2 dB max., and V.S.W.R. of 1.2 max. at 2.5 GHz (50 ).
Surface-mounting terminals and superior highfrequency characteristics combined through adoption of tri-plate micro strip type transmission lines.
Ultra-miniature at 20 * 9.4 * 8.9 mm (L * W * H).
Serialized relay lineup consisting of singlewinding latching type (200 mW), double-winding latching type (360 mW), and reverse-arrangement contact type.
Y-shape terminal arrangement that simplifies wiring to PCBs.

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