SpecificationsProductProduct statusEco StatusPricing*Package typeLeadsPacking methodPackage DrawingPackage Marking Convention**FSBH0170NYFull ProductionGreen$0.39DIP8RAIL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo)&Z (Asm. Plant Code)&2 (2-Digit Date Code)&K Line 2: BH0170 Line 3: NYG * Fai...
FSBH0170: SpecificationsProductProduct statusEco StatusPricing*Package typeLeadsPacking methodPackage DrawingPackage Marking Convention**FSBH0170NYFull ProductionGreen$0.39DIP8RAIL Line 1: $Y (Fairchild log...
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US $.41 - .45 / Piece
Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution 1A/700V 100kHz Power Switch
US $.27 - .29 / Piece
Switching Converters, Regulators & Controllers 1A, 700V, 100kHz Power Switch
US $.27 - .32 / Piece
Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution 1A/700V 100kHz SW
Product | Product status | Eco Status | Pricing* | Package type | Leads | Packing method | Package Drawing | Package Marking Convention** |
FSBH0170NY | Full Production | Green | $0.39 | DIP | 8 | RAIL | Line 1: $Y (Fairchild logo) &Z (Asm. Plant Code) &2 (2-Digit Date Code) &K Line 2: BH0170 Line 3: NYG |
* Fairchild 1,000 piece Budgetary Pricing |
** A sample button will appear if the part is available through Fairchild's on-line samples program. If there is no sample button, please contact a Fairchild distributor to obtain samples |
Package marking information for product FSBH0170 is available. Click here for more information . |
The highly integrated FSBH series consists of anintegrated current-mode Pulse Width Modulator (PWM)and an avalanche-rugged 700V SenseFET. It isspecifically designed for high-performance off-lineSwitch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) with minimalexternal components.
The integrated PWM controller FSBH series features include aproprietary green-mode function that provides off-timemodulation to linearly decrease the switching frequencyat light-load conditions to minimize standby powerconsumption. To avoid acoustic-noise problems, theminimum PWM frequency is set above 18kHz. Thisgreen-mode function enables the power supply to meetinternational power conservation requirements. ThePWM controller is manufactured using the BiCMOSprocess to further reduce power consumption. TheFSBH series turns off some internal circuit to improvepower saving when VFB is lower than 1.6V, which allowsan operating current of only 2.5mA.
The FSBH series has built-in synchronized slopecompensation to achieve stable peak-current-modecontrol. The proprietary external line compensationensures constant output power limit over a wide ACinput voltage range, from 90VAC to 264VAC.
The FSBH series provides many protection functions. Inaddition to cycle-by-cycle current limiting, the internalopen-loop protection circuit ensures safety when anopen-loop or output short occurs. PWM output isdisabled until VDD drops below the VTH-OLP, then thecontroller starts again. As long as VDD exceeds 28V, theinternal OVP circuit is triggered.
Compared with a discrete MOSFET and controller orRCC switching converter solution, the FSBH seriesreduces total component count, design size, andweight; while increasing efficiency, productivity, andsystem reliability. FSBH series provide a basicplatform well suited for design of cost-effective flybackconverters, such as in PC auxiliary power supplies.