
Features: `Excellent time response`50 impedance matching`Compact and lightweightApplication·TOF-MS (Time-of-flight mass spectrometer)Specifications MCP Supply Voltage (In-Out) 2 kV MCP Out - Anode Voltage 0.5 kV Electric Potential of Each Terminal MCP-In: -2.5MCP-Out: -0.5Anode: ...

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F4655-13 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004340053 Detail

F4655-13: Features: `Excellent time response`50 impedance matching`Compact and lightweightApplication·TOF-MS (Time-of-flight mass spectrometer)Specifications MCP Supply Voltage (In-Out) 2 kV MCP Ou...

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Product Details



`Excellent time response
`50 impedance matching
`Compact and lightweight


·TOF-MS (Time-of-flight mass spectrometer)


MCP Supply Voltage (In-Out) 2 kV
MCP Out - Anode Voltage 0.5 kV
Electric Potential of Each Terminal MCP-In: -2.5
MCP-Out: -0.5
Anode: GND

Operating Vacuum Condition
6.7*10 -4(5*10  -6) Pa (Torr)
Baking Temperature *
Baking Time * h
Baking Vacuum Condition * Pa (Torr)


The F4655-13 MCP assembly is an ideal detector for high reso-ution TOF-MS (time-of-flight mass spectroscopy) because of a wo-stage MCP with 4m channel diameter. Our own advanced
echnology in optimizing MCP design allows obtaining an excel-ent output waveform with negligible ringing even when detect-ng very high-speed signals. The dimensions are exactly the sameas the F4655-10 MCP assembly, ensuring a compact configura-ion and easy handling.

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