Features: • 2A current limit FET options• 3V to 5V input• Up to 20V boost out• 1% regulation on all outputs• VLOGIC-VOFF-VBOOST-VON or VBOOST/VLOGIC-VOFF-VON sequence control-VLOGICis on from start-up for EL7586A• Programmable sequence delay• Fully fault p...
EL7586: Features: • 2A current limit FET options• 3V to 5V input• Up to 20V boost out• 1% regulation on all outputs• VLOGIC-VOFF-VBOOST-VON or VBOOST/VLOGIC-VOFF-VON sequence c...
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The EL7586 and EL7586A represent multiple output regulators for use in all large panel, TFT-LCD applications. Both feature a single boost converter with an integrated 2A FET, two positive LDOs for VONand VLOGIC generation, and a single negative LDO for VOFFgeneration. The boost converter can be programmed to operate in either P-mode or PI-mode for improved load regulation.
Both EL7586 and EL7586A also integrate fault protection for all four channels. Once a fault is detected, the device is latched off until the input supply or ENis cycled. EL7586 also features an integrated start-up sequence for VBOOST/VLOGIC,VOFF, then VONor for VLOGIC, VOFF, VBOOST, and VON. The latterrequires a single external transistor. The timing of the start-up sequence is set using an external capacitor.
EL7586A features an immediately-enabled VLOGICoutput which is independent of EN input. The VLOGICoutput will be switched off if a fault is detected and the power supply needs to be recycled to reset this condition.
Both the EL7586 and EL7586A are pin-compatible, come in the 20 Ld 4x4 QFN package, and are specified for operation over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range.