
Features: ` 100 million instructions per second (MIPS) with a 100 MHz clock at 2.5 V core and 3.3 V I/O`Object code compatible with the DSP56000 core` Highly parallel instruction set` Data arithmetic logic unit (ALU)- Fully pipelined 24 x 24-bit parallel multiplier-accumulator- 56-bit parallel bar...

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SeekIC No. : 004329619 Detail

DSP56307: Features: ` 100 million instructions per second (MIPS) with a 100 MHz clock at 2.5 V core and 3.3 V I/O`Object code compatible with the DSP56000 core` Highly parallel instruction set` Data arithmeti...

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Product Details



` 100 million instructions per second (MIPS) with a 100 MHz clock at 2.5 V core and 3.3 V I/O
`Object code compatible with the DSP56000 core
` Highly parallel instruction set
` Data arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
- Fully pipelined 24 x 24-bit parallel multiplier-accumulator
- 56-bit parallel barrel shifter (fast shift and normalization; bit stream generation and parsing)
- Conditional ALU instructions
- 24-bit or 16-bit arithmetic support under software control
` Program control unit (PCU)
- Position independent code (PIC) support
- Addressing modes optimized for DSP applications (including immediate offsets)
-On-chip instruction cache controller
- On-chip memory-expandable hardware stack
- Nested hardware DO loops
- Fast auto-return interrupts
` Direct memory access (DMA)
- Six DMA channels supporting internal and external accesses
-One-, two-, and three- dimensional transfers (including circular buffering)
- End-of-block-transfer interrupts
- Triggering from interrupt lines and all peripherals
` Phase-locked loop (PLL)
- Allows change of low power divide factor (DF) without loss of lock
- Output clock with skew elimination
` Hardware debugging support
- On-Chip Emulation (OnCE™) module
- Joint test action group (JTAG) test access port (TAP)
- Address trace mode reflects internal Program RAM accesses at the external port


Rating1 Symbol Value1, 2 Unit
Supply Voltage:
` PLL (VCCP) and Core (VCCQL)
` All other (I/O)
VCCx -0.3 to +3.3
-0.3 to +4.0
All input signal voltages VIN GND - 0.3 to VCCQH+ 0.3 V
Current drain per pin excluding VCCand GND I 10 mA
Operating temperature range TJ -40 to +100
Storage temperature TSTG -55 to +150
Notes: 1. GND = 0 V, VCCQL/VCCP= 2.5 V ± 0.2 V, I/O VCC= 3.3 ±0.3 V, TJ= -40 °C to +100 °C, CL = 50 pF
2. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation at the maximum is not
guaranteed. Stress beyond

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