
Features: ` Zener characteristic with voltage snapback to protect against ESD hits` High avalanche voltage, low leakage and low capacitance avoid signal attenuation` Compatible to all 5V logic families` Space saving, low inductance TSOC surface mount package` Onchip 5W resistors for isolation at b...

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DS9503 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004329447 Detail

DS9503: Features: ` Zener characteristic with voltage snapback to protect against ESD hits` High avalanche voltage, low leakage and low capacitance avoid signal attenuation` Compatible to all 5V logic famil...

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Product Details



` Zener characteristic with voltage snapback to protect against ESD hits
` High avalanche voltage, low leakage and low capacitance avoid signal attenuation
` Compatible to all 5V logic families
` Space saving, low inductance TSOC surface mount package
` Onchip 5W  resistors for isolation at both anode and cathode terminals
` Industrial temperature range


Operating Temperature              40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature               55°C to +125°C
Soldering Temperature         260°C for 10 seconds
Continuous DC Current Through Package      80 mA


This DS9503 is designed as an ESD protection device for 1Wire MicroLAN interfaces. In contrast to the DS9502, the DS9503 includes two 5W isolation resistors on chip. Although 5W are negligible during communication, they represent a high impedance relative to the conducting diode during an ESD event. Thus, the diode absorbs the energy while the resistors further isolate and protect the circuit at the other side of the package. If used with circuits that already have a strong ESDprotection at their I/O port, the ESD protection level is raised to more that 27 kV (IEC 8012 Reference model). In case of abnormal ESD hits beyond its maximum ratings the DS9503 will eventually fail "short" thus preventing further damage.

During normal operation the DS9503 behaves like a regular 7.5V Zener Diode. When the voltage exceeds the trigger voltage, the I/V characteristic of the device will "snapback" allowing the same or higher amount of current to flow, but at a significantly lower voltage. As long as a minimum current or voltage is maintained, the device will stay in the "snapback mode". If the voltage or the current falls below the holding voltage or holding current, the device will abruptly change to its normal mode and conduct only a small leakage current.

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