
Features: • 128 position, digitally controlled potentiometer• Operates from a +5 volts power supply with TTL signalinputs• Wide analog voltage range of ±5 volts• Resistive elements are temperature compensated to±20 percent end to end• Lowpower CMOS• 14pin DIP or...

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DS1666 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004328622 Detail

DS1666: Features: • 128 position, digitally controlled potentiometer• Operates from a +5 volts power supply with TTL signalinputs• Wide analog voltage range of ±5 volts• Resistive el...

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Product Details



• 128 position, digitally controlled potentiometer
• Operates from a +5 volts power supply with TTL signalinputs
• Wide analog voltage range of ±5 volts
• Resistive elements are temperature compensated to±20 percent end to end
• Lowpower CMOS
• 14pin DIP or 16pin SOIC for surface mount applications
• Default position on power up sets wiper position at10%
• Operating temperature range
   40 to +85; industrial


  Connection Diagram


Voltage onCS, INC , U/D, and VCC Relative to Ground     0.5V to +7.0V
Voltage on VH, VL, and VW Relative to Ground                6.5V to +6.5V
Voltage on VB                                                                  6.5V to Ground
Operating Temperature                                                   40 to +85
Storage Temperature                                                      55 to +125
Soldering Temperature                                                    260 for 10 seconds


The DS1666 is a solidstate potentiometer which is setto value by digitally controlled resistive elements. The potentiometer is composed of 127 resistive sections.Between each resistive section and both ends of the potentiometerare TAP points accessible to the wiper. Theposition of the wiper on the resistance array is controlledby the CS , U/D and INC inputs. The position of the wiperdefaults to the 10% position on power up. The resolutionof the DS1666 is shown in Figure 1.

The DS1666 Digital Audio Resistor is uniquely designedto provide a potentiometer that is logarithmic rather thanlinear across its entire range. The lower half of the potentiometeradvances 1% of total resistance for each3% of scale advanced, providing for precise amplificationof low volume signals. The upper half of the potentiometeradvances 2% of resistance for every 1% ofscale advanced, providing for the lower resolution gainrequired for high volume amplification.

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