Features: ·12BIT RESOLUTION·FULL BAND COVERAGE(2 GHz TO 18 GHz)·WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE·HIGH INTEGRITY·HIGH DATA RATE·MINIATURE RACKAGE STULEDescriptionFitronic Components Limited manufacture a range of Instantanesous Frequency Measurement(IFM) receivers for a wide range of defence applications.Since t...
DR024: Features: ·12BIT RESOLUTION·FULL BAND COVERAGE(2 GHz TO 18 GHz)·WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE·HIGH INTEGRITY·HIGH DATA RATE·MINIATURE RACKAGE STULEDescriptionFitronic Components Limited manufacture a range of ...
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Fitronic Components Limited manufacture a range of Instantanesous Frequency Measurement(IFM) receivers for a wide range of defence applications.Since the eraly 1980s FCL has supplied hundreds of products,utilising FCL's proprietary three phase discriminators,to major ESM and RWR programs around the world.
A number of standard models are available to cover the common frequency bands. They measure the frequency of an RF input signal with up to 12 bit resolution on a single RF pulse as short as 50 nsec.
FCL receivers are available with PMOP detection,FMOP detection and Pulse on CW.There are selr-triggering and externally triggered models along with more sophisticated CW-riding threshold unist.Clocked units are available with clock speeds of up to 50MHz.A hybrid approsch hsa also been adopted which combines the benefits of clocked and internally triggered measurement.
The unique discriminator design allows FCL to obtain 12 bit frequency resolution across 2 GHz to 18 GHz,over 60 dB dynamic range, in a volume of ~660 cc (approximately 40 cu in).
For further information about the DR024 contact the sales office at the address shown overleaf.