Features: •Complete CMOS Stereo A/D System
Delta-Sigma A/D Converters
Digital Anti-Alias Filtering
S/H Circuitry and Voltage Reference
•Adjustable System Sampling Rates
including 32kHz, 44.1 kHz & 48kHz
•Low Noise and Distortion>90 dB S/(N+D)
•Internal 64X Oversampling
•Linear Phase Digital Anti-Alias Filtering
0.01dB Passband Ripple
80dB Stopband Rejection
•Low Power Dissipation: 400 mW
Power-Down Mode for Portable
•Evaluation Board AvailablePinout
DescriptionThe CS5336, CS5338 & CS5339 are complete analog to-digital converters for stereo digital audio systems.They perform sampling, analog-to-digital conversion and antialiasing filtering, generating 16-bit values for both left and right inputs in serial form. The output word rate can be up to 50 kHz per channel.
The ADCs CS5338 use delta-sigma modulation with 64X oversampling, followed by digital filtering and decimation,which removes the need for an external anti-alias filter.
The CS5336 & CS5338 have an SCLK which clocks out data on rising edges. The CS5339 has an SCLK which clocks out data on falling edges.
The CS5336 has a filter passband of dc to 22kHz. The CS5338 & CS5339 have a filter passband of dc to 24kHz. The filters have linear phase, 0.01 dB passband ripple, and >80 dB stopband rejection.
The ADC's are housed in a 0.6" wide 28-pin plastic DIP,and also in a 0.3" wide 28-pin SOIC surface mount package. Extended temperature range versions of the CS5336 are also available.