Features: Fully static RISC processor core, capable of operating from 0 to 24 MHz with zero wait/hold statesMinimum 41.7 ns instruction cycle time with a 24-MHz internal clock frequency, based on a 12-MHz external input30 independently vectored peripheral interruptsDescriptionThe CP3UB17 connectiv...

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SeekIC No. : 004315442 Detail

CP3UB17: Features: Fully static RISC processor core, capable of operating from 0 to 24 MHz with zero wait/hold statesMinimum 41.7 ns instruction cycle time with a 24-MHz internal clock frequency, based on a ...

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Product Details



 Fully static RISC processor core, capable of operating from 0 to 24 MHz with zero wait/hold states
 Minimum 41.7 ns instruction cycle time with a 24-MHz internal clock frequency, based on a 12-MHz external input
 30 independently vectored peripheral interrupts


The CP3UB17 connectivity processor combines a powerful RISC core with on-chip SRAM and Flash memory for high computing bandwidth, hardware communications peripherals for high I/O bandwidth, and an external bus for system expandability.

On-chip communications peripherals CP3UB17 include: USB controller, ACCESS.bus, Microwire/Plus, SPI, UART, and Advanced Audio Interface (AAI). Additional on-chip peripherals nclude DMA controller, PCM/CSVD conversion module, Timing and Watchdog Unit, Versatile Timer Unit, Mult.

Function Timer, and Multi-Input Wakeup. The CP3UB17 is backed up by the software resources designers need for rapid time-to-market, including an operating system, peripheral drivers, reference designs, and an integrated development environment.

National Semiconductor offers a complete and industryproven application development environment for CP3UB17 applications, including the IAR Embedded Workbench, iSYSTEM winIDEA and iC3000 Active Emulator, Development Board, and Application Software.

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