Features: `Multi-Input Wake Up (on the 8-bit Port L)`Brown out detector`Analog comparator`Modulator/timer (High speed PWM for IR transmission)`16-bit multi-function timer supporting PWM mode External event counter mode Input capture mode`1024 bytes of ROM`64 bytes of RAMSpecificationsSupply Vol...

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COP823CJ Picture
SeekIC No. : 004315304 Detail

COP823CJ: Features: `Multi-Input Wake Up (on the 8-bit Port L)`Brown out detector`Analog comparator`Modulator/timer (High speed PWM for IR transmission)`16-bit multi-function timer supporting PWM mode Exter...

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Product Details



`Multi-Input Wake Up (on the 8-bit Port L)
`Brown out detector
`Analog comparator
`Modulator/timer (High speed PWM for IR transmission)
`16-bit multi-function timer supporting
    PWM mode
    External event counter mode
    Input capture mode
`1024 bytes of ROM
`64 bytes of RAM


Supply Voltage (VCC) .........................................................................7.0V
Voltage at any Pin   .................................................  -0.3V to VCC + 0.3V
Total Current into VCC pin (Source).................................................80 mA
Total Current out of GND pin (sink)..................................................80 mA
Storage Temperature Range............................................-65 to +150


The COP820CJ is a member of the COP8TM 8-bit Microcontroller family. It is a fully static Microcontroller, fabricated using double-metal silicon gate microCMOS technology. This low cost Microcontroller is a complete microcomputer containing all system timing, interrupt logic, ROM, RAM, and I/O necessary to implement dedicated control functions in a variety of applications. COP823CJ Features include an 8-bit memory mapped architecture, MICROWIRETM serial I/O, a 16-bit timer/counter with capture register, a multi-sourced interrupt, Comparator, WATCHDOGTM Timer, Modulator/Timer, Brown out protection and Multi-Input Wakeup. Each I/O pin has software selectable options to adapt the device to the specific application. The device operates over a voltage range of 2.5V to 6.0V. High throughput is achieved with an efficient, regular instruction set operating at a 1 ms per instruction rate.


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