Features: • Common Select Inputs• Separate Enable Inputs• Buffered inputs and Outputs• Fanout (Over Temperature Range)- Standard Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 LSTTL Loads - Bus Driver Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 LSTTL Loads• Wide Operating Temperatur...
CD54HCT153: Features: • Common Select Inputs• Separate Enable Inputs• Buffered inputs and Outputs• Fanout (Over Temperature Range)- Standard Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 LSTTL ...
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Features: • 'HC161, 'HCT161 4-Bit Binary Counter, Asynchronous Reset• 'HC163, 'HCT163 ...
Features: • 'HC161, 'HCT161 4-Bit Binary Counter, Asynchronous Reset• 'HC163, 'HCT163 ...
• Common Select Inputs
• Separate Enable Inputs
• Buffered inputs and Outputs
• Fanout (Over Temperature Range)
- Standard Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 LSTTL Loads
- Bus Driver Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 LSTTL Loads
• Wide Operating Temperature Range . . . -55to 125
• Balanced Propagation Delay and Transition Times
• Significant Power Reduction Compared to LSTTL Logic ICs
• HCTypes
- 2V to 6V Operation
- High Noise Immunity: NIL = 30%, NIH = 30%of VCC at VCC = 5V
• HCT Types
- 4.5V to 5.5V Operation
- Direct LSTTL Input Logic Compatibility, VIL= 0.8V (Max), VIH = 2V (Min)
- CMOS Input Compatibility, Il 1A at VOL, VOH
DC Supply Voltage, VCC ...................................................................... -0.5V to 7V
DC Input Diode Current, IIK For VI < -0.5V or VI > VCC + 0.5V . .................±20mA
DC Output Diode Current, IOK For VO < -0.5V or VO > VCC + 0.5V ............ .±20mA
DC Output Source or Sink Current per Output Pin, IO
For VO > -0.5V or VO < VCC + 0.5V ..............................................................±25mA
DC VCC or Ground Current, ICC or IGND ......................................................±50mA
The 'HC153 and 'HCT153 are dual 4- to 1-line selector/multiplexers that select one of four sources for each section by the common select inputs, S0 and S1. When the enable inputs (1E, 2E) are HIGH, the outputs are in the LOW state.