Features: Selectable reset voltage tolerance- CAT1232LP for 5V supply- CAT1832 for 3.3V supply Selectable watchdog period:150ms, 600ms or 1.2 sec Two reset outputs- Active high, push-pull reset output- Active low, open-drain reset output(CAT1232LP)- Active low, push-pull reset output (CAT1832) Deb...

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CAT1232LPGW-T13 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004310477 Detail

CAT1232LPGW-T13: Features: Selectable reset voltage tolerance- CAT1232LP for 5V supply- CAT1832 for 3.3V supply Selectable watchdog period:150ms, 600ms or 1.2 sec Two reset outputs- Active high, push-pull reset outp...

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Product Details



 Selectable reset voltage tolerance
- CAT1232LP for 5V supply
- CAT1832 for 3.3V supply
Selectable watchdog period:150ms, 600ms or 1.2 sec
Two reset outputs
- Active high, push-pull reset output
- Active low, open-drain reset output(CAT1232LP)
- Active low, push-pull reset output (CAT1832)
Debounced manual push-button reset
Compact SOIC and MSOP packages


 Microprocessor Systems
Portable Equipment
Single Board Computers


  Connection Diagram


Voltage on VCC ....................................... -0.5V to 7.0V
Voltage on ST and TD ................. ..-0.5V to VCC + 0.5V
Voltage on PBRST, RESET
and RESET ............................ ........-0.5V to VCC + 0.5V
Maximum Junction Temperature ...................... 125
Storage Temperature Range ............ -65 to +150
Lead Soldering Temperature (10 sec) .............. 300
Operating Temperature Range........... -40 to +85


The CAT1232LP and CAT1832 microprocessorsupervisors can halt and restart a "hung-up" or "stalled"microprocessor, restart a microprocessor after a powerfailure, and debounce a manual/push-button micro-processor reset switch. The devices are drop inreplacements for the Maxim/Dallas SemiconductorDS1232LP and DS1832 supervisors

Precision reference and comparator circuits monitor the5V or 3.3V system power supply voltage, VCC. Duringpower-up or when the power supply falls outsideselectable tolerance limits, both the RESET and RESETbecome active. After the power supply voltage risesabove the RESET threshold voltage, the reset signalsremain active for a minimum of 250ms, allowing thepower supply and system processor to stabilize. Thetrip-point tolerance input, TOL, selects the trip leveltolerance to be either 5% or 10% for the CAT1232LP 5Vupply and 10% or 20% for the CAT1832 3.3V supply.

Each device has a push-pull, active HIGH reset output.The CAT1232LP also has an open drain, active LOWreset output while the CAT1832 also has a push-pull,active LOW reset output.

CAT1232LP debounced manual reset input activates the resetoutputs and holds them active for a minimum period of250ms after being released.

Also included is a watchdog timer to reset amicroprocessor. CAT1232LP has stopped due to a software orhardware failure. Three watchdog time-out periods areselectable: 150ms, 600ms and 1.2sec. If the ST input isnot strobed low before the watchdog time out periodexpires, the reset signals become active for a minimumof 250ms.

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