
Features: •Dual Version of CA3140•Internally Compensated•MOSFET Input Stage•Very High Input Impedance(ZIN)1.5TΩ(Typ)•Very Low Input Current (II) 10pA(Typ)at±15V•Wide Common-ModeInput Voltage Range(VICR): Can Be Swung 0.5V Below Negative Supply Voltage Rail...

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CA3240 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004310304 Detail

CA3240: Features: •Dual Version of CA3140•Internally Compensated•MOSFET Input Stage•Very High Input Impedance(ZIN)1.5TΩ(Typ)•Very Low Input Current (II) 10pA(Typ)at±15V&#...

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Product Details



•Dual Version of CA3140
•Internally Compensated
•MOSFET Input Stage
•Very High Input Impedance(ZIN)1.5TΩ(Typ)
•Very Low Input Current (II) 10pA(Typ)at±15V
•Wide Common-ModeInput Voltage Range(VICR): Can Be Swung 0.5V Below Negative Supply Voltage Rail
•Directly Replaces Industry Type 741 in Most Applications


•Ground Referenced Single Amplifiersin Automobileand Portable Instrumentation
•Sampleand Hold Amplifiers
•Long Duration Timers/Multivibrators(Microseconds-Minutes-Hours)
•Photocurrent Instrumentation
•Intrusion Alarm System
•Function Generators
•Instrumentation Amplifiers
•Active Filters
•Function Generators
•Power Supplies


  Connection Diagram


Supply Voltage(BetweenV+andV-).....................36V
Differential Input Voltage......................................8V
Input Voltage.............................(V++8V)to(V--0.5V)
Input Current....................................................1mA
Output Short Circuit Duration (Note1).........Indefinite


The CA3240A and CA3240 are dual versions of the popular CA3140 series integrated circuit operational amplifiers. They combine the advantages of MOS and bipolar transistors on the same monolithic chip. The gate-protected MOSFET (PMOS) input transistors provide high input impedance and a wide common-mode input voltage range (typically to 0.5V below the negative supply rail). The bipolar output transistors allow a wide output voltage swing and provide a high output current capability. The CA3240A and CA3240 are compatible with the industry standard 1458 operational amplifiers in similar packages.

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