
Features: · 10 dB Gain· 10 to 900 MHz Integrated IF Amplifier· Single 5V Supply· 26 dBm Output IP3· Separate MIXER/LO AMP and IF AMP cells.· 75 ohm IF output impedanceApplication· 2.4 GHz ISM Band Applications · MMDS Downconverters · MMDS Upconverters · Bluetooth Applications · Wireless Local Loop...

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C2306 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004308580 Detail

C2306: Features: · 10 dB Gain· 10 to 900 MHz Integrated IF Amplifier· Single 5V Supply· 26 dBm Output IP3· Separate MIXER/LO AMP and IF AMP cells.· 75 ohm IF output impedanceApplication· 2.4 GHz ISM Band A...

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Product Details



·  10 dB Gain
·  10 to 900 MHz Integrated IF Amplifier
·  Single 5V Supply
·  26 dBm Output IP3
·  Separate MIXER/LO AMP and IF AMP cells.
·  75 ohm IF output impedance


· 2.4 GHz ISM Band Applications
· MMDS Downconverters
· MMDS Upconverters
· Bluetooth Applications
· Wireless Local Loop Systems
· Wireless LANS and WANS
· Wireless Internet Systems
· Wireless T1 Data Link Equipment


Characteristic Symbol Value Units
Drain Voltage VDD1,2 +7 V
Bias Current IDS 160 mA
RF Input Power PIN +18 dBm
Power Dissipation PDISS 0.6 W
Load VSWR VSWR 10:1  
Operating Temperature TOP -40 to +85 °C
Junction Temperature TJ 150 °C
Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 to +150 °C
Caution: Operating beyond specified rating for any of these parameters may cause permanent damage to the device.


The C2306 is a flexible, high intercept, frequency conversion GaAs MMIC packaged in a 14 pin SOIC package. The MMIC is usable as an upconverter or downconverter mixer. Each C2306 subcircuit is brought out on separate pins to allow for custom filtering on the IF/RF mixer interstage or custom matching for specific bands. Broadband parallel feedback networks are used on the gain and LO driver stages and the mixer is a singly balanced two diode mixer. The FET source of the IF amplifier stage (IF BIAS) is accessible for AC bypassing which allows for current reduction with self bias circuitry. The gain and DC current is broken up as follows: LO AMP gain = 11dB; current = 27 mA, IF AMP gain = 17dB, current = 60mA, Mixer conversion loss = - 6dB. Simple external matching circuits C2306 can be implemented for all ports to achieve VSWR's < 2:1 over moderate bandwidths of less than 400MHz.

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