
Features: · Echo mixing ratio is adjustable with a DC voltage.· A second order LPF can be configured with the internal amplifier and an attached capacitor and resistor.· Delay time of 131ms. (when fCLK = 357kHz)· Internal mute function.·Single power supply (5V).Application·KARAOKE functions for po...

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BU9255FS Picture
SeekIC No. : 004303992 Detail

BU9255FS: Features: · Echo mixing ratio is adjustable with a DC voltage.· A second order LPF can be configured with the internal amplifier and an attached capacitor and resistor.· Delay time of 131ms. (when f...

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Product Details



· Echo mixing ratio is adjustable with a DC voltage.
· A second order LPF can be configured with the internal amplifier and an attached capacitor and resistor.
· Delay time of 131ms. (when fCLK = 357kHz)
· Internal mute function.
·Single power supply (5V).


·KARAOKE functions for portable stereo sets, mini component stereo sets, video CDs and DVDs, etc.


Parameter Symbol Limits Unit
Applied voltage VCC 7 V
Power dissipation BU9253FS Pd 500*1 mW
BU9253AS 600*2
BU9255FS 500*1
Operating temperature range Topr 10 ~ + 70
Storage temperature range Tstg 55 ~ + 125
Input voltage VIN −0.3 toVCC+0.3 V
*1 Reduced by 5.0mW for each increase in Ta of 1 over 25.
*2 Reduced by 6.0mW for each increase in Ta of 1 over 25.



The BU9253AS, BU9253FS and BU9255FS are single-chip ICs that contain all the components needed to configure
a KARAOKE echo system: an A / D and D / A converter, SRAM, LPF, and mixer for mixing source signals. With these ICs, an echo function of BU9255FS can be configured easily and with minimum external components.

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