
Features: · 7× 7 keypad matrix interface.· 12-bit LED driver. (6 bits can also function as input pins)· 4-column 32-segment LCD driver. (internal bias-generating resistor)· Standby mode.· VQFP80 package.Application·PHS systems, portable telephones, telephone answering machinesSpecificationsDescrip...

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BU8317KV Picture
SeekIC No. : 004303963 Detail

BU8317KV: Features: · 7× 7 keypad matrix interface.· 12-bit LED driver. (6 bits can also function as input pins)· 4-column 32-segment LCD driver. (internal bias-generating resistor)· Standby mode.· VQFP80 pac...

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Product Details



·× 7 keypad matrix interface.
· 12-bit LED driver. (6 bits can also function as input pins)
· 4-column 32-segment LCD driver. (internal bias-generating resistor)
· Standby mode.
· VQFP80 package.


·PHS systems, portable telephones, telephone answering machines


  Connection Diagram


The BU8317KV is a large-scale integrated circuit which enables a serial input / output interface between the key input required for panel boards used in PHS systems, portable telephones, and telephone answering machines and LED and LCD control functions. BU8317KV reduces the number of wiring harnesses needed between the main board in the telephone and the panel board, and takes some of the processing load off the main CPU.

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