
Features: • Low power CMOS Technology• 64 * 16bit configuration• 2.7V to 5.5V operation• Low power dissipation 3mA (max.) active current: 5V 5A (max.) standby current: 5V• Auto increment for efficient data dump• Automatic erase-before-write• Hardware and s...

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BR93LC46 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004301681 Detail

BR93LC46: Features: • Low power CMOS Technology• 64 * 16bit configuration• 2.7V to 5.5V operation• Low power dissipation 3mA (max.) active current: 5V 5A (max.) standby current: 5VR...

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Product Details



• Low power CMOS Technology
• 64 * 16bit configuration
• 2.7V to 5.5V operation
• Low power dissipation
3mA (max.) active current: 5V
5A (max.) standby current: 5V
• Auto increment for efficient data dump
• Automatic erase-before-write
• Hardware and software write protection
Default to write-disabled state at power up
Software instructions for write-enable / disable
Vcc lockout inadvertent write protection
• 8-pin SOP / 8-pin SSOP-B / 8-pin DIP packages
• Device status signal during write cycle
• TTL-compatible Input / Output
• 100,000 ERASE / write cycles
• 10 years Data Retention


  Connection Diagram


Parameter Symbol Limits Unit
Applied voltage VCC 0.3 ~ + 6.5 V
BR93LC46 Pd 500*1 mW
BR93LC46F / RF 350*2
BR93LC46FV 300*3
Storage temperature Tstg 65 ~ + 125
Operating temperature Topr 40 ~ + 85
Terminal voltage - 0.3 ~ VCC + 0.3 V
*1 Reduced by 5.0mW for each increase in Ta of 1 over 25.
*2 Reduced by 3.5mW for each increase in Ta of 1 over 25.
*3 Reduced by 3.0mW for each increase in Ta of 1 over 25.

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