BCR402U E6327

PinoutDescriptionThe BCR402U-E6327 is one member of the BCR402U series.The BCR402U E6327 is designed as one kind of light emitting diode (LED) driver IC which provides constant LED current independent of supply voltage variation.Features of the BCR402U-E6327 are:(1)low voltage drop of 0.75V maximi...

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SeekIC No. : 004298195 Detail

BCR402U E6327: PinoutDescriptionThe BCR402U-E6327 is one member of the BCR402U series.The BCR402U E6327 is designed as one kind of light emitting diode (LED) driver IC which provides constant LED current independe...

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The BCR402U-E6327 is one member of the BCR402U series.The BCR402U E6327 is designed as one kind of light emitting diode (LED) driver IC which provides constant LED current independent of supply voltage variation.Features of the BCR402U-E6327 are:(1)low voltage drop of 0.75V maximizes system DC efficiency;(2)LED drive current adjustable via single external resistor (20-60 mA range);(3)supplies stable bias current for light emitting diodes (LEDs);(4)negative temperature coefficient protects LEDs against thermal runaway;(5)low cost,low external parts count,easy-to-use,fast time-to-market;(6)small surface-mount SOT143R packaging (2.9 x 1.6 x 1.1 mm inc. leads).

The recommended current range of the BCR402U-E6327 is 20-65 mA and the maximum power dissipation is 500 mW.So we know that the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and LED displays suffer from varying illumination levels as a result of changes in power supply voltages. The BCR402U E6327 is true for displays used in automotive applications,battery-operated handheld devices,or fixed (architectural) installations.To keep LED brightness constant,it is necessary to stabilize the LED's current over the anticipated power supply voltage variation range.If you want to know more information such as the electrical AC characteristics about the BCR402U-E6327,please download the datasheet in www.seekdatasheet.com .

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