
DescriptionThe B82464P4821M000,(1)SMT power inductors ; (2)Size 10.4 x 10.4 x 4.8 (mm) ; (3) Rated inductance 0.82 H to 1000 H ; (4)Rated current 0.34 A to 7.5 A . Features of the B82464P4821M000 are:(1) Ferrite core ; (2) Magnetically shielded ; (3) Winding: enamel copper wire ; (4) Winding sold...

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SeekIC No. : 004295216 Detail

B82464P4821M000: DescriptionThe B82464P4821M000,(1)SMT power inductors ; (2)Size 10.4 x 10.4 x 4.8 (mm) ; (3) Rated inductance 0.82 H to 1000 H ; (4)Rated current 0.34 A to 7.5 A . Features of the B82464P4821M000 a...

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The B82464P4821M000,(1)SMT power inductors ; (2)Size 10.4 x 10.4 x 4.8 (mm) ; (3) Rated inductance 0.82 H to 1000 H ; (4)Rated current 0.34 A to 7.5 A .

Features of the B82464P4821M000 are:(1) Ferrite core ; (2) Magnetically shielded ; (3) Winding: enamel copper wire ; (4) Winding soldered to terminals ; (5) Injection molded base ; (6) High mechanical stability ; (7) Temperature range up to 150 °C ; (8) High rated current ; (9) Low DC resistance ; (10) Suitable for lead-free reflow soldering as referenced in JEDEC J-STD 020C ; (11) Qualification to AEC-Q200  ; (12) RoHS-compatible ; (13)Filtering of supply voltages ; (14)Coupling, decoupling ; (15)DC/DC converters ; (16)Automotive electronics ; (17) Base material  Cu (L 10 H), CuSn6P (L > 15 H) ; (18) Layer composition Ni, Sn (lead-free) ; (19) Electro-plated ; (20) Marking on component: ; (21)Manufacturer, L value (H, coded), manufacturing date (YWWD) ; (22) Minimum data on reel: Manufacturer, ordering code, L value, quantity, date of packing .

If you want to know more information such as the electrical characteristics ,please download the datasheet in www.seekdatasheet.com .

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