
DescriptionThe B58610T4600A005,(1)Pressure sensors ; (2)Absolute pressure transducers ; (3)The transducers are based on piezoresistive silicon pressure sensors from our own clean room. ; (4)The robust stainless steel casing is accentuated through its excellent mechanical decoupling. Features of ...

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B58610T4600A005 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004294849 Detail

B58610T4600A005: DescriptionThe B58610T4600A005,(1)Pressure sensors ; (2)Absolute pressure transducers ; (3)The transducers are based on piezoresistive silicon pressure sensors from our own clean room. ; (4)The robu...

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Product Details



The B58610T4600A005,(1)Pressure sensors ; (2)Absolute pressure transducers ; (3)The transducers are based on piezoresistive silicon pressure sensors from our own clean room. ; (4)The robust stainless steel casing is accentuated through its excellent mechanical decoupling. 

Features of the B58610T4600A005 are:(1)Piezoresistive MEMS technology ; (2)Measured media:Air, non-aggressive gases (gas humidity 0 ... 85% r.h., without dew) Unsuitable for substances which react with glass, silicon, gold, aluminum, stainless steel, silicone glue or silicone gel. ; (3)Whetstone bridge with mV output, proportional to pressure and ratiometric to supply voltage ; (4)RoHS-compatible, halogen-free ; (5)TO39 package for PCB mounting .

If you want to know more information such as the electrical characteristics ,please download the datasheet in www.seekdatasheet.com .

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