
DescriptionThe B25832F6255K001,(1)MKV AC capacitors; (2)General AC applications. Features of the B25832F6255K001 are:(1)Compact design ; (2)Long-term stability and reliability; (3)For commutation in the low-frequency range; (4)Self-healing; (5)Plastic dielectric; (6)Oil-impregnated tubular windin...

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B25832F6255K001 Picture
SeekIC No. : 004293945 Detail

B25832F6255K001: DescriptionThe B25832F6255K001,(1)MKV AC capacitors; (2)General AC applications. Features of the B25832F6255K001 are:(1)Compact design ; (2)Long-term stability and reliability; (3)For commutation i...

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Product Details



The B25832F6255K001,(1)MKV AC capacitors; (2)General AC applications.

Features of the B25832F6255K001 are:(1)Compact design ; (2)Long-term stability and reliability; (3)For commutation in the low-frequency range; (4)Self-healing; (5)Plastic dielectric; (6)Oil-impregnated tubular windings (no PCB); (7)Metal-sprayed end faces ensure reliable contacting; (8)Cylindrical aluminum case; (9)Ceramic or plastic lead-throughs; (10)Mounting bolts M8 or M12; (11)Tab connectors 6.3 mm; (12)Dual tab connectors 6.3 mm; (13)If the vibration stress is 5 g and the capacitors are 60 mm in diameter, the bolt is used for mounting; (14)Mounting bolts for grounding in accordance with VDE 0100; (15)Grounding identification in accordance with DIN 40 011.

If you want to know more information such as the B25832F6255K001 electrical characteristics ,please download the datasheet in www.seekdatasheet.com .

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