
Features: The Am29F016D in Known Good Die (KGD) form is a 16Mbit, 5.0 volt-only Flash memory. AMD defines KGD asstandard product in die form, tested for functionality andspeed. AMD KGD products have the same reliability andquality as AMD products in packaged form.The sector erase architecture allo...

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SeekIC No. : 004282265 Detail

Am29F016D: Features: The Am29F016D in Known Good Die (KGD) form is a 16Mbit, 5.0 volt-only Flash memory. AMD defines KGD asstandard product in die form, tested for functionality andspeed. AMD KGD products have...

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The Am29F016D in Known Good Die (KGD) form is a 16Mbit, 5.0 volt-only Flash memory. AMD defines KGD asstandard product in die form, tested for functionality andspeed. AMD KGD products have the same reliability andquality as AMD products in packaged form.

The sector erase architecture allows memory sectors tobe erased and reprogrammed without affecting the datacontents of other sectors. A sector is typically erasedand verified within one second. The device is erasedwhen shipped from the factory.cell margin. The device is erased by executing the erasecommand sequence. This invokes the Embedded Erasealgorithm-an internal algorithm that automatically pre-programs the array (if it is not already programmed)before executing the erase operation. During erase, thedevice automatically times the erase pulse widths andverifies proper cell margin.

The sector erase architecture allows memory sectors tobe erased and reprogrammed without affecting the datacontents of other sectors. A sector is typically erasedand verified within one second. The device is erasedwhen shipped from the factory.

The hardware sector group protection feature disablesboth program and erase operations in any combinationof the eight sector groups of memory. A sector groupconsists of four adjacent sectors.

The Erase Suspend feature enables the system to puterase on hold for any period of time to read data from, orprogram data to, a sector that is not being erased. Truebackground erase can thus be achieved.

The device requires only a single 5.0 volt power supplyfor both read and write functions. Internally generatedand regulated voltages are provided for the program anderase operations. A low VCC detector automaticallyinhibits write operations during power transitions. Thehost system can detect whether a program or erasecycle is complete by using the RY/BY# pin, the DQ7(Data# Polling) or DQ6 (toggle) status bits.  After aprogram or erase cycle has been completed, the deviceautomatically returns to the read mode.

A hardware RESET# pin terminates any operation inprogress. The internal state machine is reset to the readmode. The RESET# pin may be tied to the system resetcircuitry. Therefore, if a system reset occurs duringeither an Embedded Program or Embedded Erase algo-rithm, the device is automatically reset to the read mode.

This enables the system's microprocessor to read theboot-up firmware from the Flash memory.AMD's Flash technology combines years of Flashmemory manufacturing experience to produce thehighest levels of quality, reliability, and costeffectiveness. The device electrically erases all bitswithin a sector simultaneously via Fowler-Nordheim tun-neling. The bytes are programmed one byte at a timeusing the EPROM programming mechanism of hot elec-tron injection.


The Am29F016D in Known Good Die (KGD) form is a 16Mbit, 5.0 volt-only Flash memory. AMD defines KGD asstandard product in die form, tested for functionality andspeed. AMD KGD products have the same reliability andquality as AMD products in packaged form.

The sector erase architecture allows memory sectors tobe erased and reprogrammed without affecting the datacontents of other sectors. A sector is typically erasedand verified within one second. Am29F016D is erasedwhen shipped from the factory.

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