Features: • 80C51 Compatible
Three I/O Ports
Two 16-bit Timer/Counters
256 Bytes RAM
• 4K Bytes ROM/OTP Program Memory with 64 Bytes Encryption Array and 3 Security Levels
• High-Speed Architecture
33 MHz at 5V (66 MHz Equivalent)
20 MHz at 3V (40 MHz Equivalent)
X2 Speed Improvement Capability (6 Clocks/Machine Cycle)
• 10-bit, 8 Channels A/D Converter
• Hardware Watchdog Timer
• Programmable I/O Mode: Standard C51, Input Only, Push-pull, Open Drain
• Asynchronous Port Reset
• Full Duplex Enhanced UART with Baud Rate Generator
• SPI, Master Mode
• Dual System Clock
Crystal or Ceramic Oscillator (33/40 MHz)
Internal RC Oscillator (12 MHz)
Programmable Prescaler
• Programmable Counter Array with High-speed Output, Compare/Capture, Pulse Width Modulation and Watchdog Timer Capabilities
• Interrupt Structure
8 Interrupt Sources
4 Interrupt Priority Levels
• Power Control Modes
Idle Mode
Power-down Mode
Power-off Flag
• Power Supply: 2.7 - 5.5V
• Temperature Range: Industrial (-40 to 85oC)
• Package: SO24, DIL24, SSOP24Pinout
SpecificationsC = Commercial.................................................... 0°C to 70°C
I = Industrial ....................................................... -40°C to 85°C
Storage Temperat ure .................................... -65°C to +150°C
Voltage on VCC to VSS ...........................................-0.5V to +7V
Voltage on VPP to VSS .........................................-0.5V to +13V
Voltage on Any Pin to VSS...................................... -0.5V to VCC +0.5V
Power Dissipat ion.......................................................... 1 W(2)
Notes: 1. Stresses at or above those listed under " Absolute Maximum Rat ings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rat ing only and functional operat ion of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicat ed in the operat ional sections of this specificat ion is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rat ing conditions may affect device reliability.
2. This value is based on the maximum allowable die temperat ure and the thermal resistance of the package.DescriptionThe AT87C5111 is a high-performance ROM/OTP version of the 80C51 8-bit microcontroller in low pin count package.
The AT87C5111 retains all the features of the standard 80C51 with 4K Bytes ROM/OTP program memory, 256 bytes of internal RAM, an 8-source, 4-level interrupt system, an on-chip oscillator and two timer/counters.
The AT87C5111 is dedicated for analog interfacing applications. For this, it has a 10- bit, 8 channels A/D converter and a five-channel Programmable Counter Array.
In addition, the AT87C5111 has a Hardware Watchdog Timer, a versatile serial channel that facilitates multiprocessor communication (EUART) with an independent baud rate generator, an SPI serial bus controller and a X2 speed improvement mechanism. The X2 feature permits keeping the same CPU power at an oscillator frequency divided by two. The prescaler allows to decrease CPU and peripherals clock frequency.
The fully static design of the AT87C5111 can reduce system power consumption by bringing the clock frequency down to any value, even DC, without loss of data. The AT8xC5111 has 3 software-selectable modes of reduced activity for further reduction in power consumption. In the idle mode, the CPU is frozen while the peripherals are still operating. In the quiet mode, only the A/D converter is operating.In the power-down mode, the RAM is saved and all other functions are inoperative. Two oscillator sources, crystal and RC, provide a versatile power management.
The AT87C5111 is proposed in low-pin count packages. Port 0 and Port 2 (address/data buses) are not available .