Features: • Decimation in frequency radix-2 FFT algorithm.• 256-point transform.• 12-bit fixed point arithmetic.• Fixed scaling to avoid numeric overflow.• Requires no external memory, i.e. uses on chip RAM and ROM.• External access to on-chip RAM for data IO....
AT40K-FFT: Features: • Decimation in frequency radix-2 FFT algorithm.• 256-point transform.• 12-bit fixed point arithmetic.• Fixed scaling to avoid numeric overflow.• Requires no ...
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The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processor is a FFT engine developed for theAT40K family of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The design is based on adecimation-in-frequency radix-2 algorithm and employs in-place computation to opti-mize memory usage. In order to operate the processor, data must first be loaded intothe internal RAM. The processor AT40K-FFT is then instructed to compute the FFT, overwritingthe input data in the RAM with the results. Upon completion of the FFT, the resultsmay be read out from the RAM via the output data port.